Go Back To Where You Came From - essential TV
So I have just finished watching the first episode of "Go Back To Where You Came From" on SBS. If you missed it, go online and view the entire ep here: http://www.sbs.com.au/
This is raw, emotion-charged viewing - a TV social experiment at its best.
When I first heard the title some weeks ago I will admit it was extremely jarring: it was the jibe I sometimes heard as a child of Italian migrants, as a 'wog' living out in south-west Sydney.
Now, I consider myself to be very much aware of the plight of the refugees living in Australia; of the heartbreaking stories attached to the asylum seeker.
I live mere kilometres from the Villawood Detention Centre; I live in a suburb where interacting daily with Iraqi and Sudanese refugees is a completely normal existence for me - has been for many, many years.
But this show moved me in ways I didn't expect. When the Sudanese woman spoke of her children, I cried many tears. When Roderick is recounted an emotional story and shifts uncomfortably, I am engaged. When some of the partipants utter ignorant remarks, I cringe. When I hear Gleny utter words of wisdom and clarity, I am glad she is one of the people taking part in the show.
However you feel, wherever you stand, this is true must watch TV.
Reassuringly for our young generation, interactive, curriculum-relevant school resources will be available from June 22, that will enable students and teachers to interact with the content of the series. It will feature clips from the documentary, classroom activities and curriculum applications. For more, go here: http://www.sbs.com.au/shows/goback/listings/page/i/2/h/Schools/
To read about one of the 'six ordinary Aussies' (Raye Colbey) who has since come back from this journey, go here: http://www.theage.com.au/opinion/society-and-culture/a-mile-in-the-shoes-of-refugees-20110620-1gbsa.html
And to see the trailer for the three part series (part two airs tonight, part three tomorrow night) go here: