Chelsea Lately - Sydney Shows, Behind-The-Scenes

Behind the scenes is where all the fun is at for true TV fans.

As a reality show junkie and talk show aficioniado - and lover of all things Chelsea Handler - I was in heaven when they recorded their Australian shows "Chelsea Lately Goes Down Under" shows for the smash hit E! show Chelsea Lately.

I came along for show tapings last time in November 2009 and this time was thrilled to be seated in the front row. Here are some behind the scenes shots from the show taping I attended last night - Tuesday 9 March 2011 - at Sydney's Foxtel studios are North Ryde.

For a full report on what happened, go here:

And don't forget to watch the Rihanna show this Friday on E! at 10.30pm, with all Aussie Chelsea Lately shows screening this week on E!